Simple Guidelines For Effective Weight Training.
The man who originally wrote this guest article I considered one my mentors when I was running my Strength

and Conditioning offline business and help me learn how to design programs like the ones I am doing for you now through the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System. Many of you reading this are starting or re-started fitness programs and as you may or may not know; weight training will be a big part of your successful program, I always found these simple tips helpful when helping clients get started. So enjoy and when you are ready to get into great shape, allow me to design and deliver your great plan! Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to get started.
What is weight training? - Machine or free weight implements that are pushed, pulled or lifted for the isolation of specific muscle groups. Machine exercises generally have a pre-set range of motion and require less balance and control so learning is faster. Free weights (dumbbell, barbells) are usually more advanced forms of training where virtually any movement can be done for overall development.
Fundamental Guidelines
Frequency - 2 to 6 times per week
Duration - 20 to 130 minutes
1RM - One repetition with maximum weight
Intensity - Relationship of weight used to your maximum strength level
Volume - Number of sets and repetitions performed
Intensity and Volume Guidelines
PhaseSetsRepsIntensity of 1-Rep-Max (1RM)
Endurance2-415+50% or less
Hypertrophy3-58-1260% to 70%
Base Strength3-56-870% to 80%
Strength and Power3-64-680% to 90%
Max Power and Strength3-61-390% to 100%
Each Phase of training has a corresponding intensity and volume range. Training for endurance is much different than training for maximum power! You should spend the most time in the phase of training that most closely matches your goals. However, you will always want to spend some time in the other phases of training so that your progress doesn't stagnate from a lack of variation. This is what periodization is all about! All programs will follow a specific periodization, map, depending upon the emphasis of the program that you choose!
If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:
Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule. For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to: US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning and input my trainer code:901701. Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.
Contact Me:
Nathan Lewis CSCS
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