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Discover the Three Dimensions of Strength Training For Best Results

When it comes to building lean muscle and strength - exercise intensity is the key and is the most important factor in an efficient strength training program.

Intensity is your friend as it is how you will create the body you want without wasting time in the gym.

1st Dimension - The what: When it comes to strength training, most people tend to think about the sets, repetitions, weights, exercises which are the what of strength training and give little thought to how these things are to be performed - to the depth and quality of their training. The same applies to cardio conditioning, although here the focal point is typically time duration.

The 2nd dimension of strength training is the why, which is the desire to succeed. All achievement, be it in sport, business, relationships and life, is driven by a compelling desire and an inspiring vision. You will need a powerful source of energy that will propel you and keep you moving forward.

The 3rd dimension is how (quality) you perform the exercise which has more impact than any specific exercise, machine or even the number of repetitions. In sport, the how, is the difference between a good athlete and a superstar. Superstars have the physical ability and talent, but more importantly, they apply their focus and intensity to add the highest level of quality to their movements to succeed.

The key to becoming leaner and stronger is not so much what exercises you do - it is how you do them that matters. It is about form, it is about focus and it is about intensity.

A bench press is not just a bench press, a biceps curl is not just a biceps curl, and twenty minutes "on the bike" does not necessarily deliver you a stronger, leaner, more vibrant body. Engaging fully with your training using proper form, focus and intensity can deliver results fast, while simple going through the motions, as most do, will produce only poor if any results, frustration and fatigue.

You have to train hard enough to set the growth machinery in motion for any increase in strength. Intense effort literally breaks down the muscle tissue at a cellular level, triggering an adaptive response: growth. The greater the intensity generated, the greater the rate of improvement, and the quicker your results.

Achieving high intensity requires determination and sustained concentration. Staying focused is easier during the first repetition, but only those with the most steadfast concentration will reach the highest levels of intensity in their final repetition and enjoy the results that follow.

Training at low intensity levels with a high number of repetitions simply fatigues the muscles and does little to promote muscle development. Yet this is precisely what so many people who take up strength training but who have an aerobic mentality mistakenly do. Believing quantity is king, and unaware of the all important quality of intensity, they go about attempting to squeeze a runner's high out of a barbell.

Intensity is the concentration of physical energy - the effort you put forth in any given moment. It starts with your undivided attention, the stronger your focus, the stronger your ability to concentrate energy. Intensity is further amplified by your desire, drive, motivation, and will.

Most people are so focused on the right number of sets and repetitions or the latest fancy machines; their training completely ignores the most critical variable in the strength equation: you! The quality of intensity is the missing link for so many in training.

Intensity is the main requirement, not an option, for building lean muscle tissue. If the intensity is high, then a very small amount of training can quickly produce significant results in your muscle tone and strength. This ensures you will receive maximum results in the least amount of time which makes the best use of your precious training time.

Article Tags: Strength Training

Source: Free Articles from


Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my program "I've Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!" here: Physical Wellness For Fitness Report here Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.

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