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Pet Tips for the Fourth of July

With the 4th of July almost upon us, it is important to remember that not everyone in the family likes fireworks! Here are some helpful tips to make this holiday less stressful for your pet.

With the 4th of July almost upon us, it is important to remember that not everyone in the family likes fireworks! Here are some helpful tips to make this holiday less stressful for your pet: • Play music like you did in college – LOUD! Or turn on some fans for “white noise” to mask the sound of fireworks. • Sequester your pet indoors – away from the firework noise, dogs may try to dig out of yards and cats will often run away. This is a perfect time to consider microchipping your pet. Always make sure your pet has an ID collar on as well.

• Consider boarding your pet(s) in a safe place that is farther away from the holiday action. If you plan to travel during this time, boarding your animals may be a better option than leaving them at home. By taking them with you, you will have full control because your pets are near for you to see them. • Early behavior training can desensitize your pet to holiday noise and chaos. Some of the better veterinarians now offer Behavior Counseling for dogs. They can help teach your puppy or dog how to handle loud noises through positive conditioning. Remember - never punish your dog for being scared by thunderstorms or fireworks.

• Call on your vet if your pet tends to become easily spooked by fireworks. In some cases it may be worthwhile to consider prescribing a sedative or anti-anxiety medication to help your pet cope. Your pet experts will know exactly what you can give to your pets so make sure that you consider this option.

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