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Over 50 Pound Weight Loss Story

Over 50 Pound Weight Loss Story

Amy lost 53.5 pounds with Hitch Fit Online Personal Training!

I have an AMAZING and inspiring transformation story to share today! I am so proud of Amy! After a slew of health issues, she discovered Hitch Fit after her sister Lisa went through a transformation with us (Check out Lisa’s Transformation Here) ! Amy was a Rock Star – she worked so hard and truly committed to the new eating and training habits! She did the Hitch Fit Online Weight Loss Plan and today she has her very own Over 50 Pound Weight Loss Story to share!! In fact, she lost 53.5 pounds, 8.5 inches off her waist, 8 off her hip, and 18% body fat!

Amy’s Stats:

Starting weight: 195

Ending weight: 141.5

Starting body fat: 46%

Ending body fat: 28%

Amy’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos:

Amy’s Transformation Story:

Years ago, I had lost 100 pounds and managed to keep it off for three years. During my first weight loss journey, I had been diagnosed as having the beginning stages of ankylosis spondylitis. I even had back surgery, a fusion at L5/S1, which I fought hard to recover from so that I could continue to lead an active life – I even ran a 5K the day after I was cleared for running. But the stress of my job and commute led to an ever-worsening binge eating disorder. I sought treatment and learned valuable lessons on how food shouldn’t be used as a drug for comfort. But my ankylosing spondylitis continued to get worse. I spent many hours in physical therapy thanks to severe bone spurs and tendinitis throughout both of my feet. As of December 2016, I could barely walk and the only exercise I could still do was spin. Needless to say, I was quite depressed and unsuccessfully trying to avoid using food for comfort, though no longer binging. For the holidays, I visited my sister, and she looked amazing after completing her own transformation. She got me in touch with Diana and I signed up so that I could start soon after I returned home in the new year.

It took four months of excellent nutrition, but I am now able to do all activities again! Running, kickboxing, high-intensity intervals – it’s all at my fingertips and fun again! And I’m no longer on any medication for my condition. I’m down 53.5 pounds as of today – in 28 weeks, 8.5 inches in my waist and 8 inches in my hips are gone. Being able to live a life that is mostly pain-free, though, is priceless! Now on to maintenance!

Program Choice: Lose Weight

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