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Your Daily Inspiration: TD JAKES - #Sunday - Mind Your Power

“Mind Your Power” Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 6: 22-23; Philippians 4: 6-7 The mind is your weapon and your defense, “as a man thinketh so is he (Proverbs 23:7)! Its not just that we think about the future, but HOW we think about the future! The true peace of God is an unexplainable thing! Any word that comes to you and says you will not make it is a wicked prophesy. You are not in this thing by yourself, You have a Heavenly Father that will supply ALL of your needs! Do not allow your enemies to worry you to the point you lose your creativity and become miserable. The devil uses what you care about to make you lose your mind. You can be so engrossed in the possibilities of tomorrow that you miss what is happening today. Are you making poor decisions because you cant see the details? God’s Word will bring you into focus! If you focus on God, He will pour out blessings in your life. The enemy sent you trouble to try to destroy your praise & peace; Don’t let him steal your power - praise God anyway! Focus on your purpose rather than your problems. If you can stop the worry going on in your head, you can get a clear message from God.

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