Death Of the SWOD?
Well not exactly Athletes and Warriors! The only thing predictable in life is change so I find it best to initiate the change as opposed...
Today On US Sports Radio Powered By Firefan! The Champs Are Here!
Congrats to The Golden State Warriors! This team was put together to do just what they did, win championship and that is exactly what...

Today's SWOD Swings For The Fences!
You guessed it my most fitness savvy minion! Today's SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY is a clear example of how many Baseball players train...

Today On US Sports Radio! Powered By the Firefan Sports App....
Wassup players and playettes? We're having hot fun in the Summer time right 'heauh' on US Sports Radio Okay it's do or die for the Cavs...

Your SWOD Puts The Pedal To The.....Rubber?
Hello there Athletes and Warriors! Hot one here in D.C. (Kinda like Summer isn't it?..Duh!) Today's SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY takes us...